Cloud web panel
Warehouse and store
Repair shop
Manage your rental business with cloud rental software
Track inventory and   upsell
Keep records of the repair shop. Monitor the progress of repairs to your inventory or customer
Mobile app
Booking Widget
Keep your rental business right in the palm of your hand
Make your daily tasks even easier
Enable your customers to book and pay for inventory right on your website
Connect integrations with third-party services and bring your entire business to in one program

Usefulsoft company

The flagship project of the company is the SAAS Rent in Hand service, which is used by hundreds of entrepreneurs from the rental business from all over the world.

We are developing modern software for accounting and automation of the rental and rental business.

Founder & CEO
Dmitry Gusev
My name is Dmitry Gusev. Since  2009, I've been in the rental business.
I well understand all the problems that the rental owners face, because I myself went all the way "from" and "to" - starting from problems with inventory and# nbsp;employees, ending with accounting and  legal procedures. Over the years of work, we with my team have automated routine processes and established competent accounting. We were looking for a service that would help us in this for a long time, but didn't find a suitable one and we developed our own IT solution for the rental business.

The Rent in Hand service is designed specifically for owners of rental shops of any  equipment - whether it's bikes, construction equipment, suits or car rental.

We will be glad to cooperate and always ready to answer any questions.
Company achievements
The company is a resident of the Skolkovo innovation cluster
The project is supported by the Innovation Assistance Fund
Our software has unique technology and is patented
2nd place in the competition The best IT project of the Rostov region
Leave your contacts for communication
Расчётный счёт: 40702810552090039238
ИНН: 6163221328
КПП: 616301001
ОГРН: 1206100038308
БИК: 046015602
Кор. счёт: 30101810600000000602
Rostov-on-Don, st. Suvorova 52a, office 100